‘Access Mantra’ The Answer To All Your Questions

Access Mantra is a “one-stop” online central database. Their Goal is to provide accessible information and resources on how to meet the needs of Indian Deaf community. This website launches on 20th A

These days the internet has made life very easy. Just one click and you can find all the information you need. It is very rare that you will not find an answer to your question. However can the same be said for questions related to the Deaf Community? Deaf individuals have so many questions. Most of the time, the internet fails to answer these questions. Our community has always been ignored. However there is good news for all of you. Now the Deaf community can easily get answers and information. How? Well let me tell you about ‘Access Mantra’. 

Access Mantra  is a “one-stop” online central database. Their Goal is to provide accessible information and resources to meet the needs of Indian Deaf community.If you want to get in touch with Deaf associations, interpreters, schools, etc. all you have to do is visit the www.accessmantra.com and your will find all your answers. 

It has categories such as Deaf Information Network, Announcements, Workshop/Training, Informative Media, Communication Support and Access Services. These categories will provide solutions regarding interpreters, interpreter ethics, information regarding Deaf associations in India, LGBTQ+, Deaf Schools, Deaf Women Associations, Deaf Businesses,etc .People think that since they do not know English they will not understand the information. This is not the case. All the information will be provided in video format in ISL. 

The website was created by Alim Chandani and his team of Deaf experts, CODAs and hearing individuals as well who fully understand the Deaf community and culture in India. Due to this, the website is completely accessible to Deaf people. If you have any doubts you can easily contact the Access Mantra team. Their information is available on the website. Now can can ask your questions in Sign Language and their reply will be in Sign Language as well! You won’t have to wait long to use this amazing website. The website launches tomorrow on 20th August at 11am. So do visit this website! Share this video with your friends and family and help them make use of this, so that the Deaf community in India grows and develops faster. 

