19 Year Old Pakistani Girl Gets an Indian Heart

Pakistani teenager Ayesha Rashan receives life-saving heart transplant in India, highlighting cross-border compassion and medical collaboration.

In a touching tale of compassion and medical expertise, Ayesha Rashan, a 19-year-old girl from Karachi, Pakistan, received a new lease on life through a heart transplant performed in India.

Ayesha's journey began in 2019 when she suffered a severe cardiac arrest, leading to partial heart failure. Seeking advanced treatment, she was admitted to MGM Healthcare Hospital in Chennai under the care of senior cardiac surgeon Dr. KR Balakrishnan.

Due to the lengthy wait time for a heart transplant, Ayesha was initially fitted with a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) to support her failing heart. Despite returning to Pakistan, her condition worsened in 2023, necessitating emergency medical intervention back in India.

Facing the challenge of a failing ECMO device and financial constraints, Ayesha's family reached out to the Aishwaryam Trust, a local NGO. Through their efforts, a suitable heart donor was found, and Ayesha underwent a successful transplant, receiving the heart of a 69-year-old brain-dead patient from Delhi.

The generosity of MGM Healthcare Hospital and the Aishwaryam Trust ensured that Ayesha received the transplant free of cost, highlighting the importance of collaboration and philanthropy in healthcare.

In a post-operation interview, Ayesha expressed her gratitude for her newfound health and aspirations to pursue her education and career in Karachi. Dr. KR Balakrishnan emphasized the value of every life, reaffirming his commitment to saving patients like Ayesha.

With her health now stable, Ayesha prepares to return home to Karachi, Pakistan, carrying with her the hope and resilience that transcends borders. Her story serves as a testament to the power of compassion and medical excellence in transforming lives.
