Kerala: Doctors Wrongly Operate 4-Year Girl’s Tongue Instead of Finger

In a bizarre goof-up, a doctor at Kerela’s Kozhikode Medical College & Hospital performed surgery on a 4-year-old girl’s tongue instead of her hand. Watch the full video to know what happened.

In a recent incident at Kerala’s Kozhikode Medical College & Hospital, a grave medical error has ignited public fury and legal action. A 4-year-old girl admitted for a routine surgery to remove an extra finger underwent an erroneous procedure, leaving her family shocked and angered.

The hospital's pediatric department associate professor, Dr. Bijon Johnson, assured the parents that the surgery was minor. However, upon the girl's return from the operation theatre, her mouth was found covered in plaster and cotton, and the extra finger remained untouched. The nurse's dismissive response to the parents' concerns added insult to injury.

Hospital authorities, upon investigation, revealed that the error stemmed from scheduling two surgeries simultaneously, resulting in a mix-up. Despite apologies from Dr. Johnson and the hospital, the family accused them of negligence and filed a police case under IPC Sections 336 and 337.

The hospital's superintendent defended Dr. Johnson, citing a spontaneous discovery of a tongue-tie during the girl's initial surgery. However, the family refuted claims of any tongue-related issues, fueling the controversy further.

Public outrage escalated, prompting intervention from regulatory bodies. The Kerala State Commission for Protection of Child Rights and the Director of Medical Education conducted inquiries, leading to the suspension of Dr. Johnson by Health Minister Veena George. Minister George also issued directives to ensure stringent adherence to medical protocols statewide.

This incident isn't isolated, as the hospital previously faced backlash for leaving surgical instruments inside a patient during a C-section. Despite attempts to conceal the error, the victim pursued legal action, highlighting systemic issues within the hospital.

The case underscores the critical need for accountability and adherence to medical standards to prevent such egregious errors in the future. It serves as a wake-up call for healthcare institutions to prioritize patient safety above all else.
